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CubeDestroy function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    CubeDestroy deletes a Cube from the TM1 Server.

    In this video, CubeDestroy is used to delete the Product Scorecard_Copy cube.

    Where can the CubeDestroy function be used?


      Which TM1 Server version is the CubeDestroy function available for?

      Version 11 and 12

        What is the syntax for CubeDestroy?


        • ​​Cube = Name of the cube to be deleted

        Relevant Functions

        • AddCubeDependency = Establish cube dependency manually
        • CellGetN = Retrieves a numeric value from a cube cell.
        • CellGetS = Retrieves a string value from a cube cell.
        • CellIncrementN = Increases a numeric value by a value.
        • CellIsUpdateable = Checks whether a cube cell can be written to. If the cell can be written to, the function returns 1, otherwise a 0 is returned.
        • CellPutProportionalSpread = Proportionally spreads a value to the children of a consolidation.
        • CellPutN = Writes a numeric value to a cube cell.
        • CellPutS = Writes a string value to a cube cell.
        • CubeClearData = clears the entire data for a Cube
        • CubeCreate = Creates a cube using the list of specified dimensions
        • CubeDestroy = Deletes a Cube from the TM1 Server
        • CubeDimensionCountGet = Returns the number of dimensions in a cube
        • CubeExists = Used check if a cube exists on the TM1 Server
        • CubeGetLogChanges = Determines whether the logging property of a cube is turned on or not
        • CubeSaveData = Serialises a cube to disk
        • CubeSetConnParams = Sets the connection parameters and encrypt the password for a virtual cube stored in }CubeProperties control cube
        • CubeSetLogChanges = Sets the logging property for a cube
        • CubeTimeLastUpdated = Returns a serial value which refers to the last time the cube was updated
        • CubeUnload = Unloads a cube and its view from the memory