DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter sets the quote character for a text file
In the video, learn how to use DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter to fix the quote character.
Where can the DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter function be used?
Which TM1 Server version is the DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter function available for?
Version 11 and 12
What is the syntax for DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter?
DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter = Character
- Character = Can be any character or function Char(number) can be used
Note: If a single quote is a character, it must be repeated, as explained in this document.
Relevant Functions
- AsciiDelete: Deletes an ASCII file
- AsciiOutputOpen: Appends or overwrites content in a specified existing file that you would use in conjunction with functions that write to a file like AsciiOutput and TextOutput.
- AsciiOutput: writes data to a file to a directory the TM1 Server can access, using data sources from a cube, an ODBC source or no data sources.
- DatasourceAsciiDecimalSeperator: Sets the decimal separator
- DatasourceAsciiDelimiter: Sets the delimiter
- DatasourceASCIIHeaderRecords: sets the header records for a text file.
- DatasourceAsciiQuoteCharacter: Sets the quote character
- DatasourceASCIIThousandSeparator: sets the thousand separator for a text file.
- DatasourceCubeview: sets the cube view in the data source.
- DatasourceDimensionSubset: sets the dimension subset in the data source.
- DatasourceNameForClient: sets the name of the data source from the client’s perspective when creating or editing the process.
- DatasourceNameForServer: sets the name of the data source.
- DatasourcePassword: sets the password used for the data source
- DatasourceQuery: sets query for the data source
- DatasourceType: sets the type used for the data source
- DatasourceUsername: sets the name used to connect to the data source
- DatasourceODBOCatalog: sets the name of the ODBO database collection that you want to connect.
- DatasourceODBOConnectionString: sets the connection parameters required to connect to the OLAP server.
- DatasourceODBOCubeName: sets the cube name you want to connect to from the OLAP Server.
- DatasourceODBOHierarchyName: This function is used for OLAP products like SAP BW and sets the name of the hierarchy from a dimension.
- DatasourceODBOLocation: sets the name of the OLAP server’s location.
- DatasourceODBOProvider: sets the name of the ODBO provider installed on your server.
- DatasourceODBOSAPClientID: sets the client ID that connects to the SAP Server.
- DatasourceODBOSAPClientLanguage: sets the language specification from the SAP Server.
- NumberToString: convert a number to a string
- NumberToStringEx: Convert a numeric value into a string based on a specific numeric format string
- SetInputCharacterSet: Specify the encoding used in the data source.
- SetOutputCharacterSet: specifies the character set when writing to a text file using TextOutput.
- SetOutputEscapeDoubleQuote: Retains or removes double quotes when outputting element names or data values to a text file
- STR: convert a number to a string
- TextOutput: Writes and generates a text file in the specified path
- ViewExtractFilterByTitlesSet: Skip or include elements in the title axis when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipCalcsSet: Skip or include consolidated values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipConsolidatedStringsSet: Skip or include strings on consolidated values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipRuleValuesSet: Skip or include ruled values when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.
- ViewExtractSkipZeroesSet: Skip or include zeros when exporting a view using ASCIIOutput.