SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault creates a Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube. A security Overlay cube locks and unlocks specific intersections at the cell level according to the combination of dimension elements assigned.
In the video, SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault will be used to create Security Overlay for the ‘Sales Quota’ cube (}SecurityOvelayGlobal_Sales Quota) is created with ‘Scenario’ and ‘Year’ dimensions to be included and the other dimensions are excluded.

Where can the SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault function be used?

Which TM1 Server version is the SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault function available for?
Version 11 and 12

What is the syntax for SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault?
HierarchyElementSecurityGet(DimensionName, HierarchyName, ElementName, Group)
- DimensionName = Name of the dimension the element is part of.
- HierarchyName = Name of the Hierarchy the element is part of.
- ElementName = Name of the to check the security level.
- Group = Name of the group to check a dimension element’s access privilege level.

Relevant Functions
- AddClient = Creates a new client on the server.
- AddGroup = Create a new group on the server
- AssignClientPassword = Change the password for a user.
- AssignClientToGroup = Assigns an existing client on a server to an existing user group.
- AssociateCAMIDToGroup = creates an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID (Cognos Access Manager ID) that can be viewed in }ClientCAMAssociatedGroups control cube.
- CellSecurityCubeCreate = Creates cell security for a cube
- CellSecurityCubeDestroy = Deletes cube’s cell security
- DeleteClient = Deletes an existing client from the server.
- DeleteGroup = Deletes a group from the server
- ElementSecurityGet = Retrieves the security level assigned to a specified group for a dimension element
- ElementSecurityPut = Assigns a security level to a specified group for an element
- HierarchyElementSecurityGet = Returns the level of security privilege designated to a group for an element
- HierarchyElementSecurityPut = Sets security access for a group to an element
- RemoveCAMIDAssociation = Removes all associations of a specified CAMID with TM1 user groups
- RemoveCAMIDAssociationFromGroup = Removes an association between a TM1 user group and a CAMID
- RemoveClientFromGroup = Removes a client from a TM1 user group.
- SecurityOverlayCreateGlobalDefault = Creates Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube to lock and unlock specific intersections at the cell level
- SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault = Deletes the Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube
- SecurityOverlayGlobalLockCell = Locks or unlocks a specific intersection or cell in the cube based on the combination of dimension elements assigned in the Security Overlay cube of a specific cube
- SecurityOverlayGlobalLockNode = Locks or unlocks a specific intersection or cell in the cube based on the combination of dimension elements assigned in the Security Overlay cube of a specific cube
- SecurityRefresh = Applies any security changes to the TM1 Server. This function reads all the security control cubes and applies security changes to the TM1 Server
- SetDimensionGroupsSecurity = Sets the level of security to a dimension for non-admin groups
- SetElementGroupsSecurity = Sets the level of security to an element for non-admin groups
- SetHierarchyElementGroupsSecurity = Sets the level of security to an element on a hierarchy to non-admin groups
- SetHierarchyGroupsSecurity = Sets level of security to an element on a hierarchy to non-admin groups