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ACOS function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    ACOS returns the angle, in radians, whose cosine is x.

    In the video, ACOS will be used to calculate the angle of a given cosine value.  

    Where can the ACOS function be used?

    Rules and TurboIntegrator

      Which TM1 Server version is the ACOS function available for?

      Version 11 and 12

        What is the syntax for ACOS?


        • x = The cosine of the angle we want to find.

        Relevant Functions

        • ABS = Converts a number into an absolute value.
        • ASIN = Returns the angle, in radians, whose sine is x.
        • ATAN = Returns the angle, in radians, whose tangent is x.
        • COS = Returns the cosine of an angle expressed in radians.
        • EXP = Returns the natural anti-log of a number.
        • INT = Returns the largest value that is less than or equal to a specified value.
        • ISUND = Returns 1 if the argument value is undefined.
        • LN = Converts a number into an absolute value. Returns the natural base e logarithm of a number.
        • LOG = Returns the base 10 logarithm of a positive number.
        • MAX = Returns the largest number between two numbers.
        • MIN = Returns the smallest number between two numbers.
        • MOD = Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor.
        • RAND = Function generates a random number.
        • ROUND = Function rounds a number to the nearest integer.
        • ROUNDP = Rounds a number at a specified decimal precision.
        • SIGN = Determines if the number is positive or negative.ACOS = Returns the angle, in radians, whose cosine is x.
        • SIN = Returns the sine of an angle expressed in radians.
        • SQRT = Returns the square root of a given value.
        • TAN = Returns the tangent of an angle expressed in radians.