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ProcessAttrNL function for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)

    ProcessAttrNL retrieves data from a numeric attribute for a process, given a language locale. 

    In this video, ProcessAttrNL will be used to retrieve the Reference Number from the TrainingProcess process

    Where can the ProcessAttrNL function be used?


      Which TM1 Server version is the ProcessAttrNL function available for?

      Version 11 and 12

        What is the syntax for ProcessAttrNL?

        ProcessAttrNL(ProcessName, AttributeName, [LangLocaleCode])

        • ​​​ProcessName = Process to have the numeric attribute retrieved.​
        • AttributeName = Name of the attribute from which to pull the information.​
        • LangLocaleCode = Specifies the language code from which the attribute will be retrieved (ISO 639-1).​
          • If blank or ignored, TM1 will pull the user’s current locale.​
          • If the attribute value does not exist for the given locale, TM1 will pull the value from its parent. If the attribute value for the parent does not exist, TM1 will pull the base value.​

            Note:  The list of valid LangLocaleCode values can be found on the dimension ‘}Cultures’

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