Mar 15 2022
Using N_CONNECT in Slice
N_CONNECT is a VBA function to create a connection with an IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) instance. It can be used in a worksheet or VBA (via Application.Run)
N_CONNECT is a VBA function to create a connection with an IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) instance. It can be used in a worksheet or VBA (via Application.Run)
It takes the following parameters:
Server – string. If Arc is configured to use Server Groups, then the server group is also required. For example, “GroupName:ServerName”
User Name – string. TM1 user name
Password – string. TM1 password
CAM Namespace – optional. string. If CAM authentication is used, namespace needs to be provided.
Below you can find the full list of VBA functions supported in Slice: