Jan 11 2022

Pulse Dashboard

The dashboard gives you an overview of what’s happening on the server selected. It can be split into 5 sections:

The dashboard gives you an overview of what’s happening on the server selected. It can be split into 5 sections:


At the top, you will see the dashboard panel with a set of KPI, it is a summary of all TM1 instances on the server selected in the top dropdown:

Instance State

Then you can see a detail view by instances:

The “#” is the process identifier (PID) in Task Manager.

Active Users

Then you have a detail of the Active users:

Message Log

Finally, you can see the message logs for all instances:


The last section is about the server where TM1 is installed, OS and TM1 version, memory, CPU, and the disk space (This information is not available if you are using Planning Analytics Cloud).



To get more information about one instance, you can click on one instance name or choose the instance name under Live Monitor form the left menu pane.

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