Sep 13 2016

How to troubleshoot network issues

When using the Pulse Web client, if you have the feeling that Pulse is running slow, it is likely that you have network issues. 

When using the Pulse Web client, if you have the feeling that Pulse is running slow, it is likely that you have network issues. 

How the network distribute the traffic. It’s something on the network side. The connectivity

Pulse just sends the request with wahtever name is in the URL.

How ot detect if it’s a network issue, just try different hostname:
– http://<servername alias>:<port number>/
– http://<servername>:<port number>/ (http://localhost:8099/)
– http://<IP Address>:<port number>/

It chooses which part of the segment it uses.

The network guys

Activate the Network tab (F12)

Maybe a number request limitation, check with the network guys

Why Pulse is not as fast as TM1 Web?

TM1 Web does only one request to the server at the beginiing,

Pulse does a lot of request.

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