Dec 13 2018

    Adding Arc path to the linux user’s environment

    To execute Arc, just by typing arc in the command line, you need to add Arc path to the user’s environment.

    To execute Arc, just by typing arc in the command line, you need to add Arc path to the user’s environment.

    Arc is in a separate folder inside $HOME/utilities/arc

    Open bash_profile file by typing vim ~/.bash_profile:

    Once editing the .bash_profile file with the text file editor of your preference, ensure that path to the arc executable is set in the Path, in the following example we defined the variable ARCPATH  pointing to /home/ec2-user/arc and then adding ARCPATH to the PATH:

    • ARCPATH=$HOME/utilities/arc

    • PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:$ARCPATH

    Then refresh the environment variables of the user by executing Executing:

    source ~/.bash_profile

    The user will now being able to execute arc using arc from any location, without specifying the PATH.

    To execute arc in the background, use the command: arc&

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