Apr 26 2017
Parameters in the instances.json file
To link a Canvas application to a TM1 instance, you will have to update the instances.json file. Each Canvas application has its own WEB-INFinstances.json file. For the samples application, the instances.json file is located in the following folder C:CWASwebappssamplesWEB-INF:
To link a Canvas application to a TM1 instance, you will have to update the instances.json file. Each Canvas application has its own WEB-INFinstances.json file. For the samples application, the instances.json file is located in the following folder C:CWASwebappssamplesWEB-INF:
Please find below all instances.json parameters:
name: (Required) name of the TM1 instance in Canvas that you will you on your Canvas Directives and Services. It does not have to be the same as the ServerName in tm1s.cfg
restURI: (Required) [http/https]
tm1webUri: (Optional) TM1 Web URL ([http/https]://[YourTM1WebServer]:9510/tm1web)
tm1WebLoginAtServer: (Optional) To initiate TM1 Web Login from Server (Default is false)
dispatcherURI: (Optional) Used in conjunction with tm1WebLoginAtServer property.
ChartColorScheme: Default chart colors of the application
The following parameters are only needed if you want to configure CAM Security:
camNamespaces: (Required) CAM Namespace as it is defined in Cognos Configuration
useSSOWithCAM: To enable Single Sign On (Default is false)
useSSOWithRedirect: (Optional) Sets the behavior (Default is true)(v3.0.1+)
useSSORedirecWithBaseURL: (Optional) To set the URL being passed to the authentication provider. If set to true, this will only pass the base URL of the application in the form of: [http/https]://[CanvasServer]:[CanvasServerPort]/[CanvasApplication]/ (Default is false)(v3.0.1+)
Other SSO related configuration:
clientCAMURI: (Optional from v3.0.1+) clientCAMURI as it is defined in Cognos Configuration
useSSOviaJS: (Optional) To authenticate with CAM via JavaScript (Default is false)(v3.0.1+)
After updating the instances.json file, you have to restart the Cubewise Application Server for Canvas to pick up the changes.