Apr 26 2017

    Define multiple TM1 instances

    In Canvas, TM1 instance settings are defined in the C:CWASwebapps<application name>WEB-INFinstances.json. You can define as many TM1 instance you want per Canvas application. 

    In Canvas, TM1 instance settings are defined in the C:CWASwebapps<application name>WEB-INFinstances.json. You can define as many TM1 instance you want per Canvas application. 

    Here is an example on how to set up 2 instances dev and prod in one Canvas application, in the instances.json file:

     [ {   “name”:”dev”,




            “chartColorScheme”:[“#FB6900”, “#F63700”, “#004853”, “#007E80”, “#00B9BD”]

        }  ,

       {    “name”:”prod”,




            “chartColorScheme”:[“#FB6900”, “#F63700”, “#004853”, “#007E80”, “#00B9BD”]

        }   ] 

    Or, if you have created 2 separate webapps, you can configure individually as:

     For /canvas1,

    [   {  “name”:”dev”,




            “chartColorScheme”:[“#FB6900”, “#F63700”, “#004853”, “#007E80”, “#00B9BD”]

        }  ] 

    For /canvas2,

    [  {   “name”:”dev”,




            “chartColorScheme”:[“#FB6900”, “#F63700”, “#004853”, “#007E80”, “#00B9BD”]

        }  ]

    Note: You should restart the “Cubewise Application Server” after updating the instances.json file.

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